Sing Afrikaans

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Hierdie is nie net Afrikaanse musiek nie – dis 'n reis terug na jou wortels, die geluide van bekende liedjies wat ons herinner aan wie ons is.
'N geleentheid om ons mense by mekaar te bring na ‘n plek waar nostalgie en trots hand-aan-hand loop.
Met die optrede van talentvolle plaaslike kunstenaars, insluitend MD Greyling.
Kom laat jou hart terugklop in die ritme van ons kultuur.
Ons sien uit om saam met jou te sing, lag, en onthou!
This is not just Afrikaans music – it's a journey back to your roots, the sounds of well known songs that remind us of who we are.
An opportunity to bring our people together to a place where nostalgia and pride go hand in hand.
Featuring performances from talented local artists including MD Greyling.
Come let your heart beat back into the rhythm of our culture.
We look forward to singing, laughing, and reminiscing with you!
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