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The Countess, the Captain and Their 23k Children

Ticket Information

  • Adult: $25.00 each
  • Student: $10.00 each
  • Visiting Society Member: $15.00 each
  • Door Sales Only
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Mon 5 May 2025, 7:00pm–8:15pm


All Ages

Listed by


This live broadcast from the UK discusses the remarkable work of Thomas Coram and his supporters including the young Charlotte Finch, Duchess of Somerset and later William Hogarth. Lars follows a narrative culminating in London’s Foundling Hospital. The many art donations made by Hogarth and his artist friends helped make this England’s first publicly funded charity, London’s first art gallery and in whose chapel each year was performed Messiah a – work written and donated by one of The Foundling’s most generous supporters, George Friderick Handel.

Lars has been part of the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow since 1986. Lars studied Archaeology at Cambridge and joined Sotheby's where, as a director and auctioneer worked as ceramics expert (1977-1993), specialising in Chinese and European ceramics.

See for more details and/ or to book a place or email us Attendees have access to 6 additional live online talks

We are a membership society but if you’d like to come to a talk and see if the society interests you, please consider attending as a guest. Guests can attend a maximum of 2 talks a year. There is a fee of $25 / $10 for students which includes wine, tea or coffee, sandwiches and something sweet, all served afterwards and enjoyed whilst talking to others and enjoying Peter’s talk, given as a live broadcast from the United Kingdom.

Please arrive at the Magdalinos Room, Havelock North Function Centre, 30 Te Mata Road, Havelock North to be seated by 6:50pm as we start promptly at 7pm.

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