
Opossom is the new project from ex-Mint Chicks frontman Kody Nielson. Released in June 2012, the debut album Electric Hawaii is short and sweet, and never boring.
The songs on Electric Hawaii explore psychedelic territory made famous in the 1960s, but at a more frenetic pace. “Cola Elixir” is reminiscent of The Beatles’ “Tomorrow Never Knows”, while the single “Getaway Tonight” is a perfect example of pounding, exuberant, infectious pop music.
Nielson performed virtually all of Electric Hawaii, with Bic Runga sharing her voice, and father Chris Nielson playing the trumpet. The result is a richly textured jumble of multi-tracked vocals, drums and synths, with catchy melodies.
Live, Opossom features Runga in support, as well as former Mint Chick Michael Logie on the bass.
Past events by Opossom
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