Pistol Youth

Pistol Youth started out as an experiment throughout 2007 when singer and guitarist Bradley Hanan Carter was on a world tour with Kiwi rock band ‘Steriogram’. He realised starting a new band wouldn’t be something to happen any time soon, Bradley chose three of his close friends from other bands around the world and recorded a six track EP across the internet without the other members actually meeting.
The EP experiment worked so well that Bradley flew the other members of Pistol Youth to Los Angeles this January to finally meet, write and record material for the upcoming full length album, due in early 2009. 2009 saw the band finish the epic ‘Golden Girls’ video for the second single ‘In My Eyes’. The video was featured front page of Pitchfork Media, and has already had over 50,000 plays, as well as being selected to appear in the LA film festival alongside Radiohead and Santigold.
Pistol Youth’s album is called ‘My Own Private Amsterdam’ and was engineered by Eric J (Weezer, Red) & mixed by David Kahne (Strokes, Matisyahu, Regina Spektor) Bradley is living in Los Angeles, Bassist Anders Borgh lives in Göteborg Sweden, drummer Gavin Kerr in Tauranga NZ and guitarist Michael Guy Chislett is from Sydney.
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