Aberdeen PrimarySchool
Aberdeen School is a relatively large school located in urban west Hamilton. The school is named because of its location on Aberdeen Drive in an area of town where all streets and parks are named after Scottish locations, towns and cities. The student population will reach 670+ this year and we employ 40 full and part-time teachers and 12 support and ancillary staff.
Aberdeen School has continued the Scottish theme and divided our school into family groupings called ‘Clans’. These clans are Somerled, Bruce, Duncan and Burns, named after large or influential Scottish families, with each assigned a clan colour. During the year we run several sports programmes where families are invited to attend and watch our whole school participate. Cultural and community events such as galas, also form a regular part of our school’s calendar
We offer a wide range of exciting learning programmes for students and our very stable staff occupy visually exciting and learning-rich classrooms. Our school is governed by a pro-active Board of Trustees who do their best to ensure that the maximum opportunity for a quality education is provided for each student. School resources are targeted towards human resourcing as we believe that effective and focused teaching is the means, not only to give each child the maximum opportunity for success, but also to help those who have some additional learning needs or for those who have abilities which need enrichment.
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