The much-anticipated refurbishment and expansion of Auckland’s iconic Dive music venues and bars, WHAMMY!, Backroom & The Wine Cellar performance space has been scheduled! Re-emerging as WHAMMY! and Double Whammy! on August 17th, the dynamic 400-500-capacity Double Whammy! venue promises to be the epicenter of creativity and community in the heart of Auckland city. This transformation heralds a new era for the beloved venue, enhancing its capacity and flexibility to cater to a diverse range of events and audiences.
The O.G. WHAMMY! venue will remain with its history-seeped walls, and glorious long bar for those more intimate and noisy late night shows fans and bands from around the world have come to love and expect.
All three spaces will host an array of events throughout the week, providing a platform for diverse artistic expressions and creating opportunities for meaningful connections within Auckland’s vibrant arts community. The refurbished spaces will continue to support and celebrate local talent, ensuring that the creative spirit of the city thrives.
Past events at Whammy!
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