Te Whaea: National Dance and Drama Centre
Te Whaea is purpose built as a centre for teaching performing arts and is large and modern, with state of the art facilities.
The building is in Newtown on part of Wellington’s ‘green belt’ nature reserve, five minutes drive from the heart of the city.
Toi Whakaari shares these premises with the New Zealand School of Dance. Although the two schools operate separately, dance staff teach some classes for Toi Whakaari and provide the students with an opportunity to explore the dance medium. Design and Entertainment Technology students provide technical and design support for both Schools.
Toi Whakaari has one very large, three large and four small drama studios. The larger studios all have sprung floors and mirrors to help with rehearsals. The biggest studio also has a trapeze/tissue rig often used by local circus performers.
Past events at Te Whaea: National Dance and Drama Centre
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