Below and Beyond Myers Park with John Adam
Central Library, Level 2, 44 Lorne Street, CBD, Auckland
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In this second HeritageTalk for Archaeology Week, join landscape historian John Adam for an archaeological exploration of Myers Park, its place in the history of New Zealand outdoor spaces, and what made it different to previous Victorian parks.
Landscape historian John Adam will take you on an archaeological exploration of the century old public place called Myers Park. What made it different to previous Victorian parks? What surviving physical elements define its age? What archaeological objects have been recovered from the park when it was private property?
Learn who and how we know it was designed in the pre-WWI Edwardian era. Who were the local women whose American civic education influenced its new community functions and use. Why were vegetable gardens first cultivated and nature study taught from these public gardens? What rare exotic tree seed was sent from Royal Sydney Botanic Gardens (Toon tree.)?
Public parks built around Auckland since 1841 and before Myers Park will be compared to its new structure such as Western Park (1878) and Albert Park (1881) where houses were also removed to create those parks. The English Derby Arboretum and Birkenhead Park were influencing these colonial parks.
Fowlds Park (1931) designed by Fred Tschopp in Mount Albert was a further step in modern park design. New Zealand cities also adopted this new style of reform park using local natural materials and transforming existing parks to match the new children-friendly public park.
Bookings not essential, but to be sure of a place please phone Research Central on 09 890 2412 or book online:
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Are you interested in family and local history; the historical stories of New Zealand, the Pacific, and beyond? Then why not come along to one of our HeritageTalks - Waha pū-taonga and hear more about both our personal and our shared heritage?
Experts in specialised fields deliver these talks and provide insight into our histories. HeritageTalks take place at least fortnightly, in the Whare Wānanga, Level 2, Central City Library unless otherwise stated. Booking is recommended although not essential.
Come along earlier and hear Archaeology Week with Auckland Council archaeologists, another HeritageTalk happening at 12 noon on the same day.
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