The Internet Workshop Set
5 Mayfield Rd, Glenfield, Auckland
Ticket Information
- Additional fees may apply
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A comprehensive look at the Internet. This is a new concept from SeniorNet, known as a Workshop Set. There are 4 sessions that are linked but can be booked separately depending on your requirements and current knowledge.
Week 1:
- Identify browsers
- Open the Internet Explorer browser
- Optimise the menu and toolbars
- Use an address in a browser
- Back and Forward tools; Tab browsing
- Add to and organise favourites
Week 2:
- Use the Tools options in IE
- Explore the Edge browser
- Identify the tools and settings in Edge
- Explore the Chrome Browser
- Identify the tools and settings in Chrome
- Chrome's task manager and browsing history
Week 3:
- Delete temporary files
- Stop a site downloading
- Consider a site's security
- Security for travellers
- Use private browsing
- View full screen
Week 4:
- Print from a Web page
- Save a section of a Web page
- Up in the Cloud
- Explore Google Search engine
- Search the world-wide-web with Google
- Focus a search
Computers are available for your use but you may bring your own laptop to the course. Don't forget your charger. 2-hour sessions for four weeks.
The course runs on 4 consecutive Wednesday afternoons for 2 hours from 1.30pm.
Bookings essential but the workshop set is free to financial members. Must be current members of SeniorNet Glenfield or join (annual fee $30). If you are new to SeniorNet you are invited to attend a Meet and Greet session on a Monday morning between 10 am and 12md. Ring for an appointment.
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