The Powhiri, Purakau and Motivational Interviewing
26 Tarewa Road, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty
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The Pōwhiri, Pūrakau and Motivational Interviewing with Youth, Emerging Adults and Adults:
Paddling and Flying to New Horizons
Kia Ngātahi te waihoe
Ka huri te kei o te waka Whatiwhati ngaru
Haere ki tua, papapounamu te moana E topa, e rere ki te paerangi
Paddle as one
Turn the bow of the canoe
Cut through the waves
Go beyond to where the waters are flat, that you may fly to the horizon
Trainer: Tipene Pickett, P Grad Cert Health Sciences,. BA Pych & Anthro. MINT Trainer, New Zealand.
In this interactive workshop you will:
- Understand: How Motivational Interviewing practices differ with youth and emerging adults.
Clinical Highlights: Developmental Considerations.
- Gain: Knowledge of the Maori worldview and engagement processes of the Pōwhiri and use of Pūrakau Maori Narratives of origin and their relevance to working with youth and emerging adults.
- Cultural Highlights: Cultural relevance & identity - they matter more than you think.
- Know: The fundamental MI skills: youth deserve your flexible adaptability.
- Clinical Highlights: The 4 MI processes: engage, focus, evoke & plan.
Spirit of MI: partnership, acceptance, compassion & evocation.
Using your OARS.
Identifying and strengthening change talk and commitment language.
- Practice: Cultural and developmentally sensitive clinical MI skills.
- Cultural & Clinical Highlights: Engage in Storytelling of Pūrakau with discussion expanding and deepening themes of change and applicability of these narratives of origin with youth and emerging adults.
In-Vivo group & individual role plays. Maori specific applications.
Integrate knowledge from international publication: MI with adolescents & young adults. This workshop has a strong Maori kaupapa and will be delivered in English. Any Te Reo used in the workshop will be translated.
Who Should Attend:
This workshop is specifically designed to support those working with youth and emerging adults who are experiencing issues related to alcohol and drug use and maladaptive behaviours associated with this i.e. violence, unsafe sex, truancy, relationship problems etc.
This includes social workers (from a variety of work settings i.e.Oranga Tamariki), mainstream mental health & alcohol and drug practitioners, school counsellors, mental health practitioners/nurses, community and care workers.
Maori specific health providers/alcohol and drug/mental health services, Maori youth development organisations, specialist youth and Maori focused teams within district health boards. As well as psychiatrists, psychologists that have a youth and emerging adult focus.
About the Presenter
P Grad Cert Health Sciences, BA soc sci, Member of Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers.
I have been a practitioner of Motivational Interviewing (MI) for the past 17 years and trainer of trainers for the past 6 years. I’ve trained both nationally and internationally.
A significant part of my training involves training health professionals in various organisations in health, employment and justice settings with an emphasis on embedding MI training within organisations by creating sustainable MI learning communities to ensure their health practitioners maintain proficiency. Other aspects of my MI trainings include MI for groups, as well as Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity (MITI) evaluation and feedback tool.
As a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers means I’m part of a global community of people who share a similar vision of change and scrutiny of professional practice in order to be the most effective clinicians we can be by embracing the way of being MI offers.
My special interest is in the relationship between MI and Cultural practices that facilitate change and have developed a framework for framing the journey of MI within the context of Maori practices (Tikanga) particularly the Powhiri process of engagement.
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