Women Supporting Women
45 Laings Rd, Lower Hutt, Wellington Region
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I've invited some awesome local women speakers to join me on stage as we gather together to share our work and bring you this special event after last years successful launch. In the spirit of women helping raise each other up this collaboration aims to help inspire and empower women to overcome the challenges we face and be our best. With a focus on helping our daughters in the process with similar struggles – comparison, self-doubt, authenticity, confidence, as well as self-care, self-love and resilience to enable us to live a life full of meaning and purpose and be our best. There will also be some great prizes to win at the event as well as refreshments on arrival and an opportunity to browse stands and support local women in business.
Emotional Resilience – The importance of emotional bonds, Zareen Sheikh-Cope, Burned out with bat wings
With a vision to be part of a change that sees women continue to be emotionally empowered. Zareen aims to help put a stop to issues such as negative body image, strained relationships, feelings of inadequacy, lack of personal development, inability to cope efficiently with the stressors of motherhood and life, unfulfilling careers, financial worries, anxiety and burn out. To show women how to start living a life where they set their own expectations in accordance with their true selves and teach this to their children
From breast cancer to gold medals - my awesome journey, Iona Elwood-Smith, Grow My Business NZ & Chrysalis for Women
A mother of three who loves audio books, travelling, chocolate, fluffy earmuffs and all things polka dot. At 40 Iona was diagnosed with breast cancer, literally life changing and really made her embrace life like never before, appreciate what she has, and feel very blessed every day. At 41 Iona joined the CanSurvive dragon boat team of breast cancer survivors and competed at international events in Australia, Bali, Florida and Florence. Along the way she have built a successful web design business, Grow my Business, and co runs Chrysalis for women, supporting women in business. “I don’t believe life is for the faint of heart – it’s there to be grabbed with both hands. I do believe anything is possible and that if you want anything to change, you need to be part of making that happen.”
Lotta Dann, Best Selling Author & Living Sober Website Manager - Mrs D is the name Lotta Dann gave herself when she began anonymously blogging about her drinking problem in 2011. Through her blog, Mrs D Is Going Without, Lotta discovered the incredible power of online support for people quitting alcohol. Her best-selling memoir, telling the story of her recovery, was published in 2014 and later that same year she was behind the launch of the Government funded Living Sober website. She has since published a second memoir, 'Mrs D Is Going Within', which explores the vital life tools and techniques she has developed since getting sober, and is currently working on her third book on women and alcohol. She lives in Wellington with her husband and three sons.
Taming the inner superwoman, Jess Stuart, Author & Coach
Author of Like A Girl, designed to help women unlock their potential and thrive at life. Giving practical advice and tips for building resilience, leveraging strengths whilst navigating fear, getting over self-doubt and mastering the art of balance.
After 15 years in Senior HR positions, Jess decided to follow her passions and became an author and coach. Having lived, worked and volunteered in many countries with some inspirational people she draws her life experience into her work to empower women to unlock their potential.
Find out more about our work, other cities this event is happening in and how you can help sponsor this event or be there to showcase your business on the website www.inspireyourlife.org/women-supporting-women
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