Word Processing Level 2 Course
5 Mayfield Rd, Glenfield, Auckland
Ticket Information
- Additional fees may apply
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Increase your skills and knowledge your skills in the production of documents at a more advanced level using Microsoft Notepad and Microsoft Word; also Open Office Writer. Please check which version of the software you have on your home computer e.g. Word 2016. You can see which version it is when you open the programme.
Computers are available for your use but you may bring your own laptop to the course. 2-hour sessions for four weeks.
The course runs on 4 consecutive Tuesday afternoons for 2 hours from 1.30pm.
Bookings essential but the course is free to financial members. Must be current members of SeniorNet Glenfield or join (annual fee $30). If you are new to SeniorNet you are invited to meet up with a tutor to discuss your requirements. Ring for an appointment.
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