Puzzled Pint
Online, Virtual
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Update: Puzzled Pint's April event on the 14th will be available in a digital format to keep the world physically distant, but socially connected! You can view our website for more details. Individual cities will likely have more information coming soon.
Important: the event is not at the Cuban. More details below.
Puzzled Pint is a free and friendly event for puzzle lovers. If you like escape rooms, wordplay puzzles, logic puzzles, and/or beer, you might like to join us.
The first puzzle? Finding the pub.
The weekend before each event, you'll find a location puzzle on the website. The solution will lead you to a local bar in central Christchurch. The location changes every month and the first puzzle is finding us...
'The Cuban' is listed on this event because Eventfinda requires a venue. We had a great time at the Cuban at the November event.
On the night of the event, we'll be at the bar with more puzzles for you to solve while you enjoy drinks and food. The puzzles are pen-and-paper puzzles, similar to logic, cryptic or wordplay puzzles. If you don't have a team, we can introduce you to friendly strangers. It's non competitive - hints are free and unlimited. The main objective is to have fun!
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