Christchurch Guinea Pig Show: Purebred & Pet Competition
1 Harewood Rd, Papanui, ChristchurchTicket Information
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Garden City Cavy Club, Christchurch's premier guinea pig club welcomes you to visit and look at the vast array of guinea pigs and various breeds!
Entry gold coin donation.
Purebred Show at 10 am.
Club Pets Show at 1 pm.
Public Pet Show at 1.30 pm (entry $6 per guinea pig).
All welcome to visit and look at the vast array of guinea pigs and various breeds!
The purebred and pets judging is open to club members. Purebreds entries need to be a member of the NZ Cavy Council.
Not a member? You can still bring your pet guinea pigs along for judging, with the option to join our club for future shows.
Championship Show 1 - Judge: Debbie Lawrie (Auckland)
Show 2 - Andorra Sedgeman (Dunedin)
Lunch break is between 12 pm and 1 pm, once pedigree judging is finished.
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