Tauranga Night Market
1383 Cameron Rd, Greerton, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty
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The Market that just keeps growing every week, new food and stall vendors joining us weekly!!! The Original Tauranga Night Market is the event not to be missed, this is held at the Tauranga Night Market in the beautiful Mckinley Park - we are back for the Summer season every Friday evening, you will love it! A successful recipe of fantastic food , entertainment for the Family, friends and four legged friends, locals all mixed up together for a fine evening of food, music, kids activities, and an amazing selection of hand craft stalls. You will walk away with a smile on your face and so happy you came along. Watch our social media pages for regular updates
Contact: zeemarkettauranga@gmail.com Website: www.zeeevents.co.nz Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Taurangasnightmarket Instagram: tauranganightmarket
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