Yarns in Barns: Exploring South Wairarapa's Past
8 Texas St, Martinborough, Wairarapa
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Join us for the launch of 'South of Martinborough: Two Soldier Settlements & their Neighbours' from Fraser Books. A fascinating story, largely in the words of those living in the First and Second World War Soldier Settlements of Tuturumuri and Tora and their neighbours south of Martinborough, and the challenges facing the South Wairarapa district’s pioneering farmers and fishers. The district's recent success stories are also celebrated, such as the Tora Coastal Walk, Tora Collective and Tora Bombora Music festival.
Connect with the South Wairarapa community over a cup of tea and celebrate the publication of an important piece of local history as part of the upcoming Yarns in Barns: Wairarapa Festival of Reading.
This event is free. Please RSVP via Eventfinda or by contacting Hedley's Books on sales@hedleysbooks.co.nz or 06 378 2875.
Includes afternoon refreshments.
About Fraser Books
Fraser Books was established by Ian and Diane Grant in 1984, and is one of New Zealand's enduring independent publishers, specialising in New Zealand history and politics, biography and autobiography – with occasional fiction and children's books.
This event is part of Yarns in Barns: Wairarapa Festival of Reading which takes place between 14–23rd October, 2022. This organic, community-led festival hosts an eclectic range of events for all ages in venues from Masterton to Martinborough. View the full festival programme at yarnsinbarns.co.nz
Presented by Hedley's Books, Fraser Books, Masterton District Library and the Wairarapa Library Service.
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