Aro: He Wai
500 South Titirangi Rd, Titirangi, Auckland
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He tukuhanga pūrākau – he pūkare, he kanorau, he taketake katoa, he mea titi hoki ki Aotearoa.
Kia rahirahi ngā taringa i ngā kupu mōteatea, i ngā reo whātui anō o Emily rāua ko Charles o Aro, nō rāua ka tuku i a He Wai. He kohinga waiata tēnei e whakanui ana i te tini a Tangaroa e noho nei i ngā wai ākau o tēnei whenua rerehua, otirā, ka rangona he waiata mō ngā manu taketake o tēnei whenua, he waiata kua tautapatia hei tino.
He kaupapa rawerawe mā te whānau katoa, ka whai wāhi ki tēnei whakangahau he wāhi nō ētahi tini momo waiata, mōteatea mai, kōmanawa mai, haka mai, tautito mai anō, e whakakotahingia ai ētahi apataki nō ngā whakareanga maha ki tētahi kaupapa whakanui i tō tātou taiao māori. E ākina ana te katoa, tamariki mai, rangatahi mai, pakeke mai anō, kia whakakākahuria e ai ki ā rātou tino kararehe, kia kuhuna ai rānei ō rātou tino kahu kanikani, kātahi ka kori e ai ki ngā pūoru a tēnei tokorua taiea me ō rāua pūmanawa nui.
Storytelling – evocative and diverse, wholly original, and anchored in Aotearoa.
Enjoy the lyrical and interlocking vocals of Emily and Charles of Aro as they present He Wai, a collection of waiata celebrating the marine life that live in the waters off the coasts of this beautiful country, along with award-nominated waiata about the native birdlife of this land.
Fun for the whole family, this performance includes elements of folk, soul, haka, and jazz to bring audiences of all ages together in a celebration of the natural world that surrounds us. Children, rangatahi and adults alike are encouraged to dress up as their favourite animal or in their best dancing clothes and groove to the music of this celebrated and talented duo.
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