Ayurveda & Yoga - Sister Sciences
102C Hobsonville Rd, Hobsonville, Auckland
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We're excited to announce our next Ayurveda Workshop in the studio, hosted by Luisa Schreiber.
Ayurveda & Yoga - Sister Sciences
When - Sunday, 10th Dec
Time - 3pm - 5pm
Where - Kanuka Yoga Space
With - Luisa Schreiber
Sliding Scale Exchange - $20-$50
Book online, or email hello@kanukayoga.co.nz to reserve your space.
About The Workshop
Tracing their origin back to the oldest Indian scriptures, the vedas, Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences.
Ayurveda reminds us that we are holistic beings and everything matters. Every change and adjustment we make to live our lives in the direction of sattva affects our state of health in a positive way.
Yoga, as a companion to Ayurveda, is important since Ayurveda looks at true health as a state of sattva in mind and body. This is what Yoga can bring when practiced with clear intentions toward sattva.
For more information about the workshop, your host Luisa, and to book your space, visit our website blog page.
We look forward to hosting you this December.
Kanuka Yoga Space
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