Live Day | Exploring the Past
75 Bells Rd, Pakuranga, Howick, Auckland
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Step back in time at Howick Historical Village to explore daily life in the past.
Delve into the world of ancestry and artefacts with two talks spread throughout the day. Learn about the Victorian passion for collecting and their Cabinets of Curiosity at 11:00 with Lexie Palmer-Gapper, General Manager. Then, at 1pm hear from Seonaid Harvey, Senior Research Librarian Family History, Central Auckland Research Centre on how to begin your own family history research.
Experience the Village bustling with life, with costumed villagers and performances by Morris dancers at 10:30am and 11:30am and the bagpipe band at 12:00pm! Try your hand at calligraphy or making a silhouette portrait and meet bookbinders from the NZ Association of Book Crafts. Be the first to see the new Coach House display and learn about early transportation in Auckland.
There will be something for everyone with the coal range in Puhi Nui homestead fired-up and traditional treats on offer. Make butter or attend a Victorian school lesson. Visit the sweet shop, filled with old-fashioned lollies & fudge.
Explore the gardens and unwind at the Homestead Café for brunch or lunch. Make a day of it!
Unlimited door sales available.
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