Mindful Mondays
1879 Ngunguru Road, Ngunguru, Whangārei District
Ticket Information
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Mindful Mondays is for you if you are…
- Curious about self-development ideas
- Interested in mindfulness & meditation
- Open to new ideas
- Value learning with others
January 8 session - Maori Drawings!
I am looking forward to this session, this is a technique that was shared with me by one of my favorite teachers. She learned it here in New Zealand many years ago as part of a cultural exchange. It is a simple and beautiful self-knowledge tool that I am thrilled to share here in Ngunguru.
Mindful Mondays is…
- An opportunity to explore the many facets of mindful living
- A sharing of wisdom-teachings & practices from around the globe
- About deepening awareness of our relationships with nature
- Multi-cultural, non-denominational & inter-generational
- $20 recommended & appreciated
- Sliding scale available as needed
Please Bring
- Yoga mat and/or blanket, or similar
- Journal & pen (crayons optional)
- Classes are 90 minutes
Kia Ora!
I have over 30 years experience in spiritual discovery and leadership. My studies & trainings include MA in Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies, RYT-500 via Yoga Alliance, Conflict Mediation, Expressive Arts Therapy, 4 Fold Way Mentor, Astrologer, Shamanic and Psychic Coach & Counselor. Feel free to contact me for more information. I look forward to sharing and learning with others in Aotearoa.
Contact Suzanne @ svcdavies@gmail.com.
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
Joseph Campbell
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