September Holiday Experience
805 Great North Rd, Western Springs, AucklandRestrictions
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Map your journey to MOTAT these school holidays and discover the tales and technology of all things navigation.
Stars, maps, compasses and GPS are all ways in which people have navigated their way around the world (and beyond!). This September, uncover the different ways navigation technology has helped people of the past and present discover new places and spaces and how this tech has been built into our daily lives. Become an expert navigator and make your own compass, or follow our map trail. Use the augmented reality sandbox and see the different contours and elevations of the land change, as the sand is shifted. Check out the Everything, Everywhere map room, showing the different perspectives and histories of maps, and make your own map to take home.
Plus! Check out our new Te Kōtiu immersive experience, showcasing aerospace heroes, events and aircrafts within Aotearoa through projections throughout the aviation hall! See history come to life with bold balloonists, the glorious gliding of pioneer aviator George Bolt, and the extraordinary feats and records of leading Aotearoa aviators such as Jean Batten. Listen to inspiring messages from female trailblazers such as Air New Zealand pilots and aerospace start-up engineers.
All of this and more at MOTAT's September holiday experience!
We recommend starting your journey at the Aviation Hall and enjoy the free heritage tram ride between both locations.
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