Te Tīmatanga
Princes St, CBD, Auckland
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Te Tīmatanga is Auckland Pride’s Takatāpui offering within the Festival.
This year, in its second iteration, Te Tīmatanga sits humbly in the Albert Park Caretakers Cottage - a Whare Toi empowered by Public Programming.
A site of significance in our Takatāpui history, we are so excited to occupy the Caretakers Cottage again and look forward to the opportunities of community cohabitation, capacity building, reflection & joy that will come out of this Pride season.
A kaupapa of gratitude and exploration - where Takatāpui, Tangata Ira Rere, Tangata Ira Whiti, Tangata Ira Tangata and Tangata Whenua may come together in hāporitanga to share in their truths, joy & abundance.
Opening at The Albert Park Caretakers Cottage & Toi O Tāmaki on Wednesday 1st of February, Te Tīmatanga runs all month long as a community hub.
Keep an eye out and register for upcoming in-person events, activations, & workshops.
Like last year, Te Tīmatanga will deliver digital offerings online - with a video series being launched in partnership with Cuetone Media.
In partnership with The Burnett Foundation, a continuation of our Te Whe Podcast will be released with a specific focus on Public Health in response to the Monkeypox outbreak.
Te Tīmatanga is excited to unearth again our Huarahi Toi (Public Art Display) in partnership with Britomart & The Viaduct, with artist talks & events taking place at both precincts this year.
Placemaking in honour of the initial Gay Liberations Protests held in Albert Park & grounding in our context as Takatāpui Tauira reflecting on the history of The Bog Waters, Queens Wharf & the Dock - Te Tīmatanga holds itself as a series of arrivals, and never a final destination.
Te Tīmatanga is a continued opportunity for Auckland Pride to learn. This Rangatahi led public art & digital festival, looks to celebrate the legacy, resilience, talents and nuanced lived experiences of Aotearoa’s Kāhui Takatāpui.
Mana Māori, Mana Takatāpui.
Tīhei, Mauri Ora!
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