Thinking Matters Christchurch Conference 2023
27 Amyes Rd, ChristchurchTicket Information
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We needn’t be afraid of being questioned about our faith in Jesus. Christianity has the answers our culture desperately needs.
We know the great commission instructs us to make disciples of all nations but when it comes to sharing their faith with their friends, family, strangers and co-workers, many kiwi Christians don’t feel confident to do so. We’re often anxious about saying the wrong thing or getting asked tough questions we don’t have any answer to.
We needn’t be afraid of being questioned about our faith in Jesus. Christianity has the answers our culture desperately needs.
The Thinking Matters Conference has the best speakers from around New Zealand talking on tough topics such as the interface of Science and faith, the case for the historicity of Jesus and the Bible; tools for navigating the difficult issues of our culture and society, and the practical conversational tools you need to feel more confident sharing your faith and the truth and beauty of the Christian Gospel.
This year's Christchurch Conference will be keynoted by Karl Faase, CEO and Presenter for Olive Tree Media in Sydney, Australia. Karl Faase is a well known Australian and New Zealand Christian communicator. Karl is widely known as the presenter of the Daily Nudge spots – which have been heard on radio and sent via email for over 10 years. He is also the Board chair for Samaritans Purse and BGEA Australia.
Overcome tough questions and feel confident sharing the gospel and always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1 Peter 3:15)
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