Valvoline Superstock Charity Invitational
105 Paradise Valley Rd, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty
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We shall try again to host this event and make as much money for the two worthy Charities. This event has twice been postponed due to Covid and once by inclement weather.
The Valvoline Superstock Charity Invitational has two of NZs most deserved charities, Star Ship Hospital and Ronald McDonald House. This meeting is the inspiration of their long time supporter Steve and Kirsty Williams. All the profits from this meeting will be split equally between their these two worthy organizations.
Format for the event couldn't be more exciting for any Speedway or Motorsport enthusiast. 70 of the Countries top Superstocks will be invited to qualify for just 26 positions. The Final 26 car field will hit it out over 3 races for the $20,000 first place prizemoney. The 26 Finalists will also be paired up with 26 invited Youth Ministocks in their own event, for a Best Pairs Championship. If that wasn’t enough there will also be the Modivale Stockcar Best of the Best!
The event will also feature the Garage 16 Celebrity Championship with the Hayden Paddon, Greg Murphy, Andre Heimgartner, Darren Kelly, Richie Stanaway, Cole Armstrong, Aaron Slight, Simon Evans, Chris Van der Drift, Lance Hughes, Ryan Wood and the man himself Steve Williams set to jump into the formidable Superstocks and test themselves in totally unfamiliar race cars where it is totally legal to hit your opposition out of the way. No doubt something many of them have wished to do over the years in their own racing formulars.
For any Motorsport or Speedway enthusiast this will be some of the best racing you will ever see.
To end the night there will be a huge fireworks display, so something for everyone.
For all other information please look for more event details and updates on our website or our facebook page.
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