Hindi Language Classes

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Learn Hindi language in 8 to 12 weeks. Travelling to India? Hindi will help you explore and give you invaluable experience of incredible India.
The lesson is approximately 90 mins long one on one teaching, and I teach anyone according to your ability. Can you please let me know how much do you know about the Hindi language and why do you want to learn.
Example: are you planning to travel to India? Or just interested in learning a new language?
We teach basic writing, reading and speaking in 6 sessions, and also teach more advanced levels if anyone wants to learn more. Classes are available everyday. Day and time can be arranged according to our availability.
If the time and cost of these lessons are prohibiting you from learning the language then please let me know and I can definitely work something out for keen Hindi learners.
Email: hindiclass@xtra.co.nz
Txt: 02102697038
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