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Ticket Information

  • Attendance for 2 day training: $390.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Mon 27 May 2024, 8:30am–5:00pm
  • Tue 28 May 2024, 8:30am–5:00pm


All Ages

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Set Free with EFT

The course involves plenty of practice time tapping both as a group and on other course participants.

During the demonstrations and the practice sessions we will be working with real issues from the class. We ask that participants come willing to work on some of their own (less major) issues during this training.

This course is suitable for people who are new to this approach to working with physical and emotional problems and are interested in using EFT for self-help purposes. It is also suitable for people who are thinking of moving into energy work or those who are already qualified in other therapy modalities and are looking for more tools for their therapeutic tool-kit. This Level 1 training course will give you enough practice time to begin to use it to work on your own issues or those of other people where appropriate. The course includes a training manual with detailed notes.

Training is done in a relaxed environment in small groups. Each student is given as much support and one to one attention as they require at each stage. Full email and telephone support will be available to students at all levels of training and experience. Students are never left feeling isolated and alone after training.

Fee for the two day course: Includes morning and afternoon tea and attendance certificate. Please bring your own lunch.

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