Miss Mi Mi La La On Stage
206 Barbadoes St, Christchurch
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Join Mimi La La on Tuesday 26th March and weekly thereafter. Be part of her live audience or watch online.
Mimi is on stage, making videos and you are invited to be the studio audience. Come have a wine or gin and tonic with Mimi as she tells stories about her week, her sailing adventures (and rescue rides) and have some banter.
Mimi will be making stuffed teddies, sewing some clothes, making wonderful breasts, singing some songs and reciting some poetry.
Join Mimi while she creates video content for her weekly online comedy show. Get on stage with Mimi if you like, message her to get it organised.
Each week, Mimi's friends come on stage as guests too so it will always be some fun and games when you watch Mimi La La on stage.
$10 entry includes all you can play retro gaming, virtual reality, pool, console games.
Bar open till 11 pm $8 drinks.
Come have some good old fashioned fun with Mimi, she is a blast!
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