Oakura Easter Hunt
109 Surrey Hill Road, New Plymouth, Taranaki
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Join our free hunt to win Oakura’ s great big Easter Nest!
the Oakura Easter bunny has collected a sparkly, precious and delicious Easter basket that can be shared with your team at the end.
In the 11 years of running this event, the hunting time has taken as little as 10min to 4hours, depending how strong your team is!
On Saturday at 10am we will release all the clues on our Facebook event page to help you narrow down your search radius.
You are hunting for a 5 cm silver egg that is the key to our Easter nest held at Ringcraft Moana Jewellers. No egg-no basket.
The egg will be hidden somewhere in a public space in Oakura, no climbing, digging, or trespassing necessary. But be early as we have our keen local hunters out there.
Our phone number is engraved on the back for you to ring once the egg has been found.
Take your phone, a friend with some local knowledge and an umbrella... it is the tradition to be a wet but fun day!
This is not a walk in the park and just the keenest of hunters will be rewarded, so we recommend to join forces with the whole family and friends to crack this Easter egg!
Have fun and Happy Easter!
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