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The Art of Bonsai - Uxbridge Workshops may be the upcoming event you’re looking for
The Art of Bonsai | Workshop

Ticket Information

  • Regular: $138.00 each
  • Additional fees may apply


  • Sat 2 Mar 2024, 1:00pm–3:00pm


All Ages


Join us in the Art of Bonsai workshop for a rewarding and addictive experience, where you can try your hand at growing your own dwarfed trees. Angela and Milan, our experienced Bonsai experts, will teach you essential information you need for success.

Bonsai growers shape and nurture trees to create miniature versions of their full-sized counterparts. They carefully select and prune trees so they create a desired shape and size. Growers achieve this by using techniques such as wiring, clipping, and grafting. In addition, the trees are often planted in small containers to restrict their growth. Regular maintenance is essential, and includes tasks such as watering, fertilizing, and re-potting. Growing Bonsai is a fulfilling and rewarding hobby. It requires patience, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of horticulture. With these skills, growers create living works of art that can be admired for years to come.

We’re making it easy for you to make your own Bonsai by providing all the necessary items to complete your first potted Bonsai. During the workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to explore different trees and find out why certain ones are better suited for bonsai. You’ll also gain care tips to ensure your bonsai thrives for years to come.

This will be a rewarding and addictive experience for you to try your hand at growing a dwarfed tree. Our experienced Bonsai experts, Angela and Milan will teach you the essential information required for success.

This is the perfect opportunity to gain knowledge and inspiration for a new hobby. Angela and Milan will guide you through the process, providing everything you need for a successful bonsai experience. Don’t miss this opportunity, book your spot today, and begin the rewarding journey of creating your own bonsai.

There is nothing that you need to bring to The Art of Bonsai workshop, your new bonsai tree is included in the fee!

Some images of the ‘could be’ can be found in the UXBRIDGE pinterest board.

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