Women's MINDSET Rape Defence Workshop
28 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Waikato
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This popular workshop for females covers different types of rape attack and how to defend against them. The workshop looks at dealing with a single and multiple attackers.
What we teach is how to deal with the worst-case scenarios, that's when all the awareness, avoidance and de-escalation has failed and for one reason or another you have no other option but to defend yourself and get to safety.
The first rule of self-defence is if you can run then run...but you may not always have that choice, or the choice has been made for you. Our workshops can be both physically and mentally demanding and take people out of their comfort zones real fast.
The instructor's approach to rape defence is a realistic and honest one, he's been teaching women's self-defence for over 14 years, with rape defence playing a big part in any of the women's workshops he runs.
Participants need to take along plenty to drink, something to snack on and a sweat towel. Comfortable clothing and footwear are advisable and a positive attitude to learn goes a long way.
This workshop is run by MINDSET Self-Defence & Close Quarters Combat.
"... a massive shout out to Charlie Riley for all the amazing work he does. Charlie, you are a champion among champions. Thank you. if you loved #reebokunleashed or if you missed out, please check out Charlie and find a course near you." Zoe Bell - Hollywood Stunt Woman, Actress & Producer
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