After 10 years of groundbreaking musical mayhem, Damian, Marcus, Shelton and Dave have put Blindspott into hiatus to pursue personal and professional projects.
To thank their loyal fans for their years of support, the guys will be hitting the roads of New Zealand. This will be your last chance to see the power force that Blindspott has become famous for both locally and internationally.
"It's been a crazy 10 years for Blindspott... but it's time for us to pursue our own personal and musical direction for a while... Blindspott will always be a huge part of us.. and we couldn’t have done it with out our amazing fans!' Damian Alexander
Originally typecast as too heavy for radio, the networks were forced to play Blindspott’s songs due to overwhelming requests from their listeners. The rest is history - a major label bidding war, two number one albums, triple platinum sales, a number one airplay single, countless sold out tours, and overseas adventures in South East Asia, Japan, America and Australia.
Marcus and Shelton are moving to the UK with their new band, Damian is focusing on a solo music project and his design career, while Dave will continue to tour international bands through NZ.
Tickets available from Monday June 25th - check back later for outlets.