Across the Great Divide with Poetry Bomb Rotorua: POSTPONED
1141 Eruera St, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty
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Across the Great Divide and Poetry Bomb Rotorua are happy to welcome you to an evening of music and poetry at Level 13, a truly unique venue in Rotorua.
World music in a true folk roots fusion! Acoustic Americana meets Celtic Spirit! Here come Across the Great Divide, featuring traditional, contemporary and original songs and tunes from Celtic, Scandinavian and Americana roots.
Featuring guitarist and arguably NZ's finest dobro player Tony Burt, internationally respected Swedish
saxophonist , Hanna Wiskari and music specialist and tradition bearer of Scots songs and tunes, on harp, guitar, and vocals, Karen Jones.
Unknowingly you are drawn into and welcomed to their special Transatlantic musical world. Original and traditional tunes and airs; Americana original compositions all receive the same skill and passion in their delivery until you are no longer aware of their different musical roots, nor any divide at all.
An Across The Great Divide concert isn’t a quiet affair. Strap yourself in for a wild, toe tapping and
emotionally laden journey, perfectly held together by their passion for their traditions.
For this evening the music will blend with spoken words as Across the Great Divide are performing together with featured local poets.
This is a vaccinated event mandated by the government and 18+ unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
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