ACVC: Volleyball Training for Kids & Teens - Beginner/Interm
Silver Rd, Epsom, Auckland
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Auckland Central Volleyball Club Presents Indoor Volleyball Training!
Improve your skills with volleyball training sessions! For kids ages 8 - 16. This school term series will review the basic skills involved in indoor volleyball, allowing you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the game, hopefully having some fun while we’re at it! To get the most out of the workshop, you should plan to attend all sessions.
Choose the appropriate level in ticketing:
- Beginner level: new players that have minimal experience with volleyball or want to start from the basics from 12:45-1:55pm
- Or Intermediate level: players who have completed the Beginner Level skills programme or equivalent from 2pm-3:20pm
Your sessions with our outstanding ACVC competitive club coach will include a combination of: warm up/physical exercise, drills for passing, setting, serving, attacking; and some tactical knowledge of the game itself. If you've attended previous sessions, Coach will ensure you learn new skills and use new drills to build your skills.
Tickets essential, numbers strictly limited, NO WALK UPS will be accepted. Registration closes ~48 hours prior to the first event in the series.
This term-time series runs Sunday afternoons as follows (ticket may show only limited dates so please note whole series dates here).
July 30
Aug 6, 13, 20, 27
Sept 3, 10, 17
Kids will be sorted in age/ability groups but train alongside each other in the same gym.
Our Facebook page is the place to go for the most up-to-date info, updates & cancellations. Please understand we likely can't make individual session tickets available and cannot generate refunds.
*By participating in this event you agree that your or your child's image may be used in ACVC promotions and that you will adhere to ACVC's, VNZ's, host venue's and NZ Government's expectations for Covid-19 level restrictions, sanitisation, contact tracing, as well as high standards of good sportsmanship and tidy kiwi-ness.
*Purchasing this ticket and sharing your contact information means you agree to be contacted by ACVC for info, marketing and/or other relevant communications. Let us know via email if you do not want to be contacted.
*Parents to remain on-site or close by and accessible at the phone number listed in registration. REGRETTABLY parents cannot stay on the gym floor during the session due to new venue rules but must stay upstairs or outside.
More info about how to know what level your child is at - this event is for Beginners & Intermediates.
Beginner 1 - Never played before, has attended less than 1 lesson series (~7-10 sessions), didn’t progress confidently through lesson series, or has only limited exposure through PE or school sports. Doesn’t know or needs practice with basic skills. This level is for introduction to and practice of basic movements and concepts.
Beginner 2 - Attended and successfully progressed at 2 or more lesson series or multi-day clinics and/or played on organised teams but can't overhand serve or direct passes consistently off of serve receive. Makes attempts at serving, passing, setting and hitting that look roughly correct, but performance isn't consistent. Has ball control during controlled play and can rally across net on short court when goal is keeping ball in play.
Intermediate 1 - Can overhand serve consistently; can pass to general area of the setter; knows basic hitting footwork and swing; has desire to hit harder; knows basic defensive moves; knows basic setting keys but lacks "clean hands" and inconsistent with location.
Intermediate 2 - Same as Intermediate 2 but able to serve-receive pass consistently, ability to serve and hit with increased velocity; has the strength to set to the outside hitter.
Advanced - Has played at least 2 years of Club Volleyball or is on High School Varsity. Familiar with all phases of the game including rotations, transitions, offence, and defence.
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