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Adventure Yoga for Kids

Ticket Information

  • Free Admission


  • Sat 14 Jan 2023, 11:00am–11:45am
  • Sat 14 Jan 2023, 1:00pm–1:45pm


All Ages

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Gather your whānau and join us for Adventure Yoga - free!

Developmentally appropriate, fun and designed to build connection through simple yoga and movement activities, Adventure Yoga is a treat for little ones and their whānau alike.

We will go on an imaginary adventure into Aotearoa’s native bush, weaving in movement, yoga poses, breathwork, sound and lots of opportunities for creative connection. These sessions are lots of fun, guaranteed to leave you feeling up-beat and will even give you some take home ideas to try with your little ones.

Adventure Yoga is led by Beth Buxton, a registered children's yoga teacher that has worked with children and families for over 20 years.

Beth's sessions will ignite your child's imagination through simple, fun practices which can also help to manage emotions and build connections at home.

The 45 minute Yoga Adventure sessions are at 11:00am and 1:00pm on Saturday 14th January at the Queens Wharf Hub.

Adventure Yoga is made possible thanks to Eke Panuku Development Auckland, and is a part of the Summer on Queens Wharf programme.

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