Christmas Carols at Old St Paul's
34 Mulgrave St, Pipitea, Wellington
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The Church doors will open for entry at 6.00 pm. Families and children are especially welcome.
Come and enjoy singing carols with our friends from the award-winning Hutt City Brass, with director Matthew Stein, who will begin playing before the service.
Our choir this Christmas will be Marsden Collegiate School’s premier choir, Altissime, with director Maaike Christie-Beekman. One of 24 choirs chosen from throughout Aotearoa to perform in the 2022 Big Sing Finale, Altimissio won a Gold Award and were commended for their passion and commitment. Marsden’s famous Hand Bell ringers will also be playing.
Marsden Collegiate School’s Gold award-winning Altissimo Choir
The service will be led by Revd Stephen King from St Peter’s on Willis Street, with the Wellington City Missioner, Revd Murray Edridge and will last about one hour.
As is our long-standing Christmas tradition, please bring pantry goods to donate to families in need. This Christmas we are again support the Wellington City Mission’s Social Supermarket.
Please bring non-perishable, packaged pantry goods as generously as you are able.
There will also be a koha collection during the service.
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