Sweetest Taboo ft. Wallace - RnB Neo-Soul
25 Taranaki St, Te Aro, Wellington
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The fabulous Wallace brings the RnB and Neo-Soul with the finest of groove superstars Dan Hayles - keys, Johnny Lawrence - bass, Hikurangi Schaverien-Kaa - drums!
Since 2009 Hashigo Zake has been doing what we think is important for a bar, even if that means defying conventions. That starts with selecting a diverse range of beer styles for our taps while keeping big, corporate brewers out. As a result we've been named the best bar in Wellington by the Society of Beer Advocates and the best bar in New Zealand by ratebeer.com multiple times. Our electronic menus are updated with product and other information in real time. We maintain an environment that's safe for all our customers and staff. In the COVID-era that means ensuring good air quality thanks to ventilation, air purification and CO2 monitoring. We put our atmospheric underground location to good use and host superb music and comedy in our lounge.
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