Thank Grafia It's Friday
4 First St, Masterton, Wairarapa
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Local music food and drink for local people family and friends, comes around once a month and for December it's on Friday the 8th. Steve Trotman is our guest singer guitarist songwriter, he'll be playing for 7.30. Anita Gude, viola player with Orchestra Wellington and former violaist with the Dutch Royal Orchestra will be playing with the band. Keith will be in the centre of things playing keyboards and contributing back up vocals. Maria Warrington will be adding angelic touches with her backing and occasional lead vocals, Steve Shivas lead guitar, Mark Bradley electronic percussion, Paul Maunsell on bass guitar and Dr Rob Maunsell holding the songs together with his lead vocals, rhythm guitar and tasteful harmonica parts.
It'll be a full house so get there early or book a table. We're looking forward to seeing you at the last Thank Grafia It's Friday for 2023 (what a year!)
Warm thoughts
Dr Rob
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