Artist Series For Kids - Weaving the World Around Us
72 Hillsborough Rd, Hillsborough, Auckland
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Artist Workshop Series: Weaving the World Around Us
with Artist Niamh Maher
Sunday 28 April, 2-4pm
Free Event
Suitable for Ages 6-12
Spaces will be limited
In our Artist Workshop Series, local artists share their inspiration and skills with children in a series of free classes.
This class with Niamh Maher will go over different weaving traditions from different cultures, including Maori (Raranga) and Irish (Basket weaving). We will learn to understand how weaving has played a part in human connectedness and joy for centuries.
Suitable for kids aged 6-12. No reservation required, but spaces will be limited and available on a first-come basis.
The Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead
72 Hillsborough Road, Auckland, 1042
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