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Conversational Capacity®


  • Wed 23 Oct 2024, 9:00am–4:30pm


All Ages


The Conversational Capacity® programme builds communication skills to enable the learner to effectively engage using open, balanced, non-defensive dialogue in the face of conflict or difficult issues and subjects.
It's a foundational competence vital to every organisational activity that depends on effective communication: running meetings, making decisions, orchestrating change, executing strategy, providing feedback, and working in teams. Conversational Capacity teaches the following:
- Awareness: Participants will learn to recognise when fight-or-flight reactions prevent real listening and create discomfort in others. This allows for a more intentional response to challenging conversations.
- Mindset: Participants will learn a new mindset and to have positive intentions during the conversation. It's not about winning, proving yourself right (or others wrong), or just being safe. It's about exploring diverse perspectives and listening to contrasting views, because that is where greatest opportunities for insights and growth are.
- Skillset: Learners are taught four simple behaviours that are essential to Conversational Capacity: two that build genuine candour and two that build curiosity. Balancing candour and curiosity creates the conversational sweet spot.

This Workshop is registered with the Management Capability Development Fund. Find out more by visiting

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