Gardening with Biochar - EcoFest
216 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, AucklandTicket Information
- Additional fees may apply
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Have you heard the exciting news about gardening with biochar?
Biochar acts as a “permanent” form of compost in your garden–it holds onto water, nutrients and helps turn clay soil into friable soil–but only if it is properly prepared. Unlike compost, biochar does not break down and disappear after a few seasons.
This workshop explains what biochar is, how to prepare it, how to use it safely, and where to get it in order to turn clay into topsoil or just improve the garden soil you have.
Presenter Betsy Kettle is an experienced gardener, composter, and member of the Biochar Network New Zealand. She has been using biochar to transform her own clay-based garden for over 10 years, teaching schools how to use it, and applying it to a commercial banana plantation.
Cost: Free
This event is part of EcoFest, an annual month-long festival taking place Friday 15 March – Sunday 14 April 2024. Inspiring climate action across Tāmaki Makaurau, it is hosted in collaboration by EcoMatters, Kaipātiki Project, Beautification Trust and Waiheke Resources Trust, and proudly supported by Auckland Council. Visit and join us!
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