Team Dynamite
Team Dynamite's music will make you dance at a funeral. It'll turn John Kirwan into Jason Gun. It's the kind of thing that should come in pill form with a little picture of a dove carved into it. It's music that sounds like it was made for summer. It makes board shorts actually look cool. It makes salt water taste good and played twice a day, it'll make your plants grow up to 3 times faster. Its the kind of music that makes you wanna hug the bus driver because he opened the door for you. It's feel good music.
The two lead lyricists of the group, Tony Tee's and Lucky Lance have a chemistry that sounds like the day Mario met Luigi. Their partnership reminds you a bit of Tribe or Outkast but with a a distinct New Zealand style that's easy to relate to. Hearing them swap verses is like watching a Walter Little pass to Frank Bunce. They're like the Samoan Bill and Tedd. Like a Bert and Ernie duet. Like the perfect double date for salt n peppa. Like the bushwackers on ecstasy. Like what Milo and Ottis would sound like if they could flow. Like Lethal weapon without the mullets. Like Green Eggs and Ham. Or like Boom and Bap. They just go together.
Musically the sound is driven by Auckland's most lovable horsey face, Haz Beats. His style sounds something like Minnie Riperton and Mike Tyson's love child. It's smooth but strong at the same time. Its the kind of sound that will bounce perfectly off your garage walls on a Friday night. In the summer its the music that will make you wana shake your head to get the water out of your ears. It'll make u feel like there's sand in your speakers. It's so perfectly suited for summer it almost sounds like the high hats were sampled from two cycadas making doing it.
Mixed and mastered by DJ Substance, their debut album 'The Demo Tape' will be released this December, just in time to be food for your beach boom box. For more information on Team Dynamite and for free music visit or
(Sub-claimer: lyrical content not suitable for supporters of Tony Veetch or disciples of Lord Brian)
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