In the largest exhibition the Auckland Art Gallery has had since its renovations, two entire floors have been taken over by the Light Show since October, an exhibition curated by the Hayward Gallery in London. The exhibition explores various aspects of light by featuring artworks that use light to sculpt and shape space in different ways.
Once a month, the gallery has an Open Late evening, featuring live music, George FM DJs, food, drinks and a chance to view the spectacular exhibition after hours. Next Tuesday Glass Vaults will be taking their turn in the atrium, coming all the way from Wellington.
We caught up with Rowan Pierce to talk about their soon-to-be-released debut album and what we can expect from their Open Late show. We also asked him to share three artists Glass Vaults has collaborated with to gain some insight into the band's artistic process.
What can you tell us about the new album? Does it feature any tracks from your earlier releases?
We have our first full LP finished being mixed at the moment. It's nine tracks long and has a couple of songs from previous EP's/singles substantially reworked. We can't wait to get it finished and out.
Over the past few years your band has expanded from two people to five. What can you tell us about the new lineup?
Over the past year our live band has developed quite a bit, though it seemed to happen pretty organically. Working with a live drummer, Hikurangi has been a joy. We can't wait to get recording on our next record with him. Theres around five of us in the live band at the moment but it still remains relatively fluid depending on the situation. We like it that way, it seems to keep it alive for us. The more people the merrier, what use is a playground with no one to play with?
It’s been a while since a Glass Vaults release - how has the sound evolved in that time?
It's become a little more groove based and a little less spacious. There seems to be a reasonable amount more lyrical content as well, also seems to be a little more twisted haha. Taking melodic content and twisting the sound of it into something a little more dense and uneasy has been fun, testing those boundaries between beauty and yuck.
What can we expect from your show at the Art Gallery? Do you have anything special planned?
We're just really excited to play in that beautiful space with lots of beautiful people. We'll be brainstorming our bags of tricks on the drive up haha.
What is the significance of themes of light (through sonics/lyrics/vocals/even imagery?) for Glass Vaults?
We're constantly immersed in light. Well except for when it's dark haha but even then darkness is just an immersion in the absence of light. It's something that can fill a space, you can't touch it but at the same time it's always touching you. It's our gateway to vision which is our gateway to colour what beautiful things those both are.
Kemi Niko & Co.
We just recently had the pleasure of hanging out with this beautiful couple. Their current project is a series of distinctly crafted huts buried in Wellington's parks, forests and less travelled paths. Tracking them down becomes a sublime and warming trip.
Georgette Brown
Georgette is a dear friend and we collaborated with her on our single Ancient Gates. She did the artwork for the cover and video. Her work always seems to me as a raw and vibrant regurgitation of love, lust, and all things in-between.
Sam Trubridge & The Playground NZ
Sam was once both mine and Richard's tutor while we were studying and is now a beloved colleague and collaborator. If you get the chance to go see a performance by his company, do it. His performances are full of phenomenological experience and sublime images.
You can catch Glass Vaults at the Auckland Art Gallery as part of the Light Show Open Lates on Tuesday 20th January. Tickets are $20 from Eventfinda.
Glass Vaults for the Light Show Open Late at Auckland Art Gallery
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Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
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