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Auckland Central Volleyball Club

Regional sports volunteers easily manage ticketing, promos and ticketholder information

Our self-service client Auckland Central Volleyball Club tells us why they chose Eventfinda and what they love about the features our events experts created that have helped them succeed.

Eventfinda Connect Plan

Events listed to date

Type of event
Sports & outdoors

Average ticket price

Average capacity

I love being able to create different promo codes and discounts as a way to reward our volunteers. If someone volunteers, we try to give them a koha or offer tickets to another event.
Auckland Central Volleyball Club

What types of events do you put on?

“We’re a volunteer-run group and put on beach volleyball, indoor events, social sessions and training for kids.

These are paid ticketing events, as we have to hire facilities and even our beach events have a lot of expenses. Generally, our model is to recover our costs with our tickets so that we save our volunteers a lot of time not needed to do funding applications.

Our average ticket price is $10 and each event is different – some are easy and not planned too heavily with pay-on-the-day options, and others are longer-running series and sessions. Most events have at least 20 people attending and our most recent social event had around 50 attendees.”

Our average ticket price is $25 but we have done shows from $40 down to $5 bucks in various venues from 50 - 250 seats.”

Why did you choose Eventfinda?

“I researched a few ticketing suppliers but the syndication swung it to Eventfinda as it was a better ROI on our time to know that we would be seen more widely. We’re all volunteers with no marketing budget so Eventfinda was an easy way to formalise and professionalise our ticketing.”

How easy is it to list and ticket your event?

“I feel pretty confident in setting things up. The Eventfinda support team has been fabulous and helped me when I am out of my comfort zone and they’ve been really helpful at setting up the tickets for those long series of multiple events.

Myself and the volunteers find listing really easy to do but the support is so helpful to give us more options and advice. For example, they are readily helping me with partial reconciliation so we don’t have to wait until the end of a long series to get some cash.”

We’re all volunteers with no marketing budget so Eventfinda was an easy way to formalise and professionalise our ticketing.
Auckland Central Volleyball Club

How often do you log in to the Eventfinda Promoter Portal?

“Daily. I’m looking at sales numbers to make sure we have the minimum required to run the event and I need ticketholder information so I can get in touch with them. We’re doing competitive trials at the moment and this is the first year we’re ticketing it. Our competitors may not pay straight away, so this way we are getting money upfront.

I then need to check ticketholders against our players' information on our registration list. I compare the Eventfinda ticketing list with our registration list to ensure everyone has a ticket who is registered and vice versa.

I think I will use Ticketholder Questions going forward to help with this process. I used it during Covid-19 restrictions when we had to limit numbers. For example, I could tell a parent that they couldn’t be in the gym at the same time as play due to the indoor numbers restrictions. It’s a great way of getting info to the ticketholders. We will definitely expand our use of that feature.”

How do you use the Eventfinda reporting?

“We’ve not really taken advantage of that enough but it will be handy for my upcoming funding application for Creative NZ so that we can show how successful our previous events have been.”

What Eventfinda features do you like the most?

“I love being able to create different promo codes and discounts as a way to reward our volunteers. If someone volunteers, we try to give them a koha or offer tickets to another event. It can be hard to keep track of that sort of thing manually, so the promo code means I don’t have to remember. It’s very tidy.”

What do you like about the Eventfinda Connect Free plan? Would you consider upgrading and if so why?

“Eventfinda serves our purpose really well. I am pretty happy with all the communication options and it’s very customisable. The customer service is great. Everyone is really brilliant at responding. Our regular support person is out of this world and she goes above and beyond every time.”


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