Looking to buy tickets? Visit the Eventfinda website here.

Performing Arts

Performing Arts

Eventfinda’s world-class ticketing platform is designed for allocated seating in theatres of all shapes and sizes. Combine this with our massive marketing reach and you have all the ingredients you need for sell-out shows.

Listing & Setup

Our features offer you a quick and simple set-up with the ticketing functionality you need to maximise sales and provide seamless experiences.

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Marketing & Comms

Customer data at your fingertips. Connect with your audience using our integrated ticketing and marketing platform.

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Reporting & Analytics

View real-time reporting, sales data, scanning, and ticket management tools to enable data-driven action and quick financial reporting.

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Get closer to your customers

Eventfinda is the only platform giving you full control and ownership of your customer and ticketing data, so you can use it to your advantage. Export or import data to provide real customer insights that will give you confidence to make changes to ticket availability, prices or your marketing campaign.

Sell every kind of ticket

Create tickets that work for you and your event. Offer customers GA, reserved and accessible seating, passes to multiple events, ticket holds or gift vouchers. Want online ticket validation, print-at-home and mobile tickets? Sure thing. You can also take advantage of unlimited price types, complimentary tickets, promo codes and multi-event discounts.

Support on the ground

Eventfinda has specialist event management and tech support teams who are experienced in all aspects of operating an event box office. Whether it’s support with in-person or phone sales, selling merchandise, or trouble-shooting, Eventfinda helps you provide a seamless experience for event-goers.

Working with multiple producers?

Eventfinda simplifies your planning process by allowing multiple producers to upload and manage their own event content within one umbrella account, without seeing other producers content. This is a seriously valuable tool for arts and film festival organisers!

Like to dig deeper? Check out the features.
Pop-up Globe
View client story
“For us it’s not a case of setting up ticketing at the start of a season. We work with Eventfinda on a daily basis, to continually improve and adapt our campaigns. It’s a real partnership approach and we value their expertise and support.”
Ella Julienne
Head of Sales and Marketing, Pop-up Globe