Looking to buy tickets? Visit the Eventfinda website here.

Your essential pre-event checklist

Make sure you’re ready to go on event day

Download the Eventfinda Scan Tickets app
Log in

Log in to the Eventfinda Promoter Portal with your account details.

Select a sound for your ticket to make when scanned 
  • You can add a sound to quickly and easily identify ticket types (e.g. VIP tickets) during scanning entry with the Eventfinda Mobile Scanning App.
  • You may have set this up when creating your Ticket Types but if not, go to your event dashboard, select Manage Ticketing on the event you want to update, Tickets & Sessions and then click Edit on the ticket type you wish to select a sound for.
  • Scroll down the ticket type details page; the default sound will already be selected. To change it, choose the sound you want to identify this ticket type from the drop-down.
  • Click the Save Ticket Type button to proceed.
Set up staff accounts for door ticket scanning
  • From the dashboard in the Eventfinda Promoter Portal, select your event and click Manage Ticketing, then click Event Team from the dropdown

  • Enter the email addresses for any door staff you wish to have access to event data for scanning tickets using the Scan Tickets app

Ticket scanners
  • Ensure your scanners and the additional battery packs are charged

  • Ensure your device is connected to the internet, as it’s important to resync tickets before you start scanning to ensure the app is up to date

  • Click the three lines in the top left corner of the screen, select Settings and then Resync Tickets

  • This will download all tickets for the event to the scanner and refresh the device from the past event

  • Do this one day before the event and on the day of the event

Ticket printer
  • If we’ve supplied you with a ticket printer, ensure it is connected and active and you have sufficient ticket stock

  • Go to the Ticketholders tab within your event, open a transaction and print out a single ticket for testing

  • Check and ensure the tickets are printing correctly

  • Destroy these tickets once the test is complete

  • Physical ticket checklist:

    • Barcode alignment

    • Print is clear and readable

    • Proper ticket orientation

Set ticket off-sale times and capacity
  • Ensure that you’ve set capacity and off-sale times for your session (not on the ticket types), this is the time they will go off-sale before the start of each session

  • Click Manage Ticketing under your event in the Eventfinda Promoter Portal

  • Select Tickets & Sessions from the drop-down and click Edit on the session you want to set

  • Scroll down to Capacity by session and enter the number in the box or tick Use seating allocation

  • Scroll down again, Off–sale time is set to 1 hour prior to session by default but you can edit by specifying a particular date and time for the session to go off-sale, then click Save

Download your door list
  • Select the event you are preparing for from the Events page in the Eventfinda Promoter Portal

  • Go to the Advanced tab and click Door List from the drop-down menu

  • Click the Download button next to your event

  • You can view your door list in the app too by selecting your event and then clicking Door List

Eventfinda stystem check
  • Log in to your account in the Eventfinda promoter portal

  • Check if you have access to the Eventfinda Box Office

  • Ensure you can view the upcoming event and all relevant sessions and ticket types

  • Check if there are any Venue or Promoter Holds — do you need to release these back to sale?

  • Check capacity on sessions — if sold out you will not be able to sell tickets

  • Check off-sale times on sessions/ticket types — if the event is off-sale you will be unable to sell tickets

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