Nelson Baptist Church
We meet each Sunday at 10am as a community of diverse people who are seeking to know God and each other. In this service we take time to read scripture, pray, sing, celebrate important milestones in each others lives, hear how things are going for one another, and to share fresh baking and a hot drink together! We celebrate communion together on the first Sunday of each month.
This gathering consists of a mix of ages and different stages of faith. Our services are often characterized as reflective in style. We value the encouragement and learning we gain from scripture and so we spend around 20 – 25 minutes of the 1hr15 service focused on the scripture reading of the day.
Children are very welcome in our service and are a part of it for the first fifteen minutes or so, after which there is a children’s programme running (during term time) for 4-12 year olds. A supervised creche is also available for younger children.
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