Papamoa School
We are a state school (Decile 6) with a roll of approximately 530. We have 8 classes in the Y0-2 Syndicate, 7 classes in the Y3-4 Syndicate and 7 in the Year 5-6 Syndicate. Our school hours are 8:40am to 2:40pm.
Papamoa School is a well resourced school that has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy. Our school prides itself on its highly effective learning and teaching programmes which are delivered by a dedicated, caring, hardworking staff. You can view our latest Education Review Office report via the link on our title page.
We offer a variety of extension programmes, and provide the opportunity for our more capable students in the middle and senior school to participate in outside programmes such as Beach Brilliance and the One Day School. A Special Needs Co-ordinator supports pupils with learning needs. Reading Recovery, Language groups, Rainbow Reading and Tales are some of the programmes used to support these pupils.
The junior school has implemented the "Perceptual Motor Programme" and it runs 4 sessions a week outside of the swimming season. We also take part in the 'Kiwi Can' programme which is for all students in the school and is based around values and personal achievement.
We are fortunate to have a very supportive parent group and general community. Parental involvement in the children's education is encouraged and welcomed through our 'open door' policy. Parent help in the classrooms is frequently sought and always encouraged.
For social involvement and fundraising we have a very enthusiastic Parents Group (PTA) , who are an integral part of our school. They are responsible for many very successful fundraising ventures eg. galas, discos, and sausage sizzles.
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