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Map showing Screaming Rooster


+64 (0) 223062108

What We Are
Screaming Rooster is art, we focus on avant-garde. We are an art gallery and performance stage; we see art as a melody and music as art. Simple answer for an art gallery with a stage, right? No. We think wider, music, canvas, victuals, dance, playdough, street walls… all the mediums.

What is art to us then?

“Art is something we do, an action uncovered in how we use any medium.”

We are accepting of, yet resist the seemingly inevitable loose concepts of what art is. Art is what we want it to be, so it is art. Equally, art is what you want it to be, so it is art? Our only position is that our art lives outside common ideas, avant-garde.

We don’t claim to be art know-alls; you may not like our thoughts and values, and we understand that. Same goes for us with art critique, as Ralph Hotere said, “… as soon as someone starts talking about a painting, they are talking about themselves.”

Running a performance stage and art gallery is our work rather than ethical debate.

Who & Why We Are
Screaming Rooster is owned and operated by directors, Jackie and Colin, with the support of too many amazing people and organisations to mention.

Having active interests in public radio, music including playing (very poorly) and physical arts the desire for a gallery in Dunedin’s environment was immediate.

It didn’t take long to find a space so our work started with saving the venue in 2016; the potential was obvious yet the labour to get there almost daunting. Two Years later we held our first art exhibition with incorporated music gigs in our then 70% completed space. It was an amazing event and drove us towards completion of that last 30%.

Now, post-covid-19 in October 2020, we are at 90% completion, 5 exhibitions & 7 music gigs behind us and relaunched! The final 3 Months of 2020 see us with back-to-back exhibitions and spectacular music gigs.

We are excited by the support we have to run exhibitions and gigs; the love has been humbling.

What We Do
We manage artists, run art exhibitions and support music performances from our stage.

We have close association with (about) 9 artists and help them meet their career goals. Most we formally manage, others we hold local or exhibition agreements with for many varying reasons. This is our focus and recognises these amazing artists are our investment and passion.

Art exhibitions run back-to-back in our eclectic space. We have separate rooms, spaces, and booths for static displays. All artwork lighting is bespoke LED and designed for each exhibit at hand.

Dynamic works present through our HD video projector onto a 3-metre screen with two additional video presentation LED TVs. And there is our stage…

Our stage was a significant focus during our renovations and became a major investment. Recognising that, we are supported by some of New Zealand’s best music talent and visiting artists alike.

We offer a professional stage experience for both artists and guests with audio recording, limited video recording and soon quality video recording and streaming. Big plans afoot for our cellar stage in 2021!

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Past events at Screaming Rooster

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