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Map showing Sweet Axe Throwing Co.




  • Wheelchair Access
  • Toilets
  • Gift Shop

Suitable for Ages

  • Adults

Ticket Information

  • 0211582265
  • Additional fees may apply

At Sweet Axe Throwing Co. people can unleash their inner lumberjack/jill (trust me, everyone has one laying dormant)! Our axperts take you through safe & correct throwing technique and demonstrate how the game works. Individuals then partake in a round-robin tournament with an ultimate Jill/Jack crowned at the end.

Axe throwing is an inclusive, group activity (We take bookings of between 8-50). People of all ages, shapes, and gender love axe throwing for the satisfying ‘thunk’ when you land your first axe in the target. It's something that energises people and brings them together.

Upcoming events at Sweet Axe Throwing Co.

Social Axe Throwing Wednesdays

Social Axe Throwing Wednesdays

Sweet Axe Throwing Co., Wellington

Today 5:00pm – more dates
Adventure, Extreme

Axtion Packed Friday Fling

Axtion Packed Friday Fling

Sweet Axe Throwing Co., Wellington

Fri 14 Feb 4:00pm – more dates
Adventure, Extreme

Love at First Throw: Valentine's Day Axe Throwing

Love at First Throw: Valentine's Day Axe Throwing

Sweet Axe Throwing Co., Wellington

Fri 14 Feb 5:30pm – more dates
Adventure, Extreme

Past events at Sweet Axe Throwing Co.

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