Looking to buy tickets? Visit the Eventfinda website here.

Ticket types

Log in

Log in to Eventfinda Promoter Portal with your account.

Go to Events

From the Dashboard, click on Events in the top left corner of the navigation menu.

Click Manage Ticketing

Scroll to the event you wish to create a new ticket type for and click the Manage Ticketing button then click Tickets & Sessions.

Enter your Ticket Type details

In the next screen, Click on 'New Ticket Type' and enter your ticket details. You will need a ticket name for your ticket, face value, whether the ticket is available to purchase online, number of tickets available, sessions the ticket price applies to, and on-sale and off-sale times.


For more information about the mult-ticket packages and quantities, please have a look at this how to guide.



Select the sound your ticket makes on the Eventfinda Mobile Scanning app

To quickly and easily identify ticket types during scanning entry with the Eventfinda Mobile Scanning App.


Scroll down the ticket type details page and the default is already selected (or select the sound you want) to identify this ticket type.


Click the Save Ticket Type button to proceed.


Your new ticket type is now saved and available for purchase.

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09 365 2342
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